Information and communication technologies as a tool in the management of patients with trisomy 12: A brief case report
patient with special needs, quality of service, information and communication technologiesAbstract
Introduction: The Dental Teaching Hospital of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (HEO/UFRGS) is a reference in the region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul in the care of patients with special needs (PNE). Objective: To report the experience of a clinical case in the extension of patients with special needs at the Faculty of Dentistry of UFRGS, with the potential of using technology in health, teaching and providing care for special patients. Case report: In the extension of special patients, the attendances are carried out by academics, using a box with Dabi Atlante equipment, Techno Digital model with ROHS-AOC monitor size 20 inches. The patient under discussion was 11 years and 10 months old, with trisomy 12 and cognitive deficit caused by sequelae of congenital cytomegalovirus infection when he was born, with an agitated profile and difficult to manage. His dental treatment needs were extensive, and priority was initially given to the removal of infectious foci. It was only possible to condition him and attend to him because during the procedure he used the entertainment of a program chosen by her on “YouTube“, “GEORGE, O CURIOSO”. Conclusion: The use of entertainment from a program chosen by the patient enabled the development of their skills in order to overcome learning barriers arising from social, sensory, intellectual, neurological and motor conditions.
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