Biomateriales utilizados en Endodoncia



biomaterials, platelet-rich plasma, endodontic regeneration, stem cells


Biomaterials are those components that are compatible with the body itself and can act as mediators in the regeneration of tissues necessary for repair. Its differentiation potential mediated by components and mediators such as stem cells, growth factors and platelet-rich plasma scaffolds induce the body itself to produce tissues induce dental preservation these cellular mediators are of great help to the body since Thanks to them, the loss of endodontic teeth from the oral cavity is avoided. This paper aims to review the use of biomaterials in endodontics in the literature on websites such as PubMed, Scielo.


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How to Cite

Zárate Giménez R. Biomateriales utilizados en Endodoncia . RCCSS [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 4 [cited 2025 Feb. 2];1(1):63-70. Available from: