Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission file is in OpenOffice format, Microsoft Word.
- Wherever possible, URLs, DOIs are provided for references.
- The text should be spaced with a half space, Arial font size 11, A4 paper size, 2.5 cm margins and all pages should be numbered at the bottom.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the Directrices del autor/a.
Author Guidelines
Guidelines for Authors - Cover letter-Affidavit.
The work will be accompanied by an e-mail message addressed to the General Editor, indicating that the author has read these guidelines for submission of papers, assuring the originality, unpublished and complete nature of the work submitted and its willingness to be reviewed and edited. The Authors' Affidavit will be sent duly filled out and signed (request model to the journal's e-mail:
Modifications in the authorship will be reason to stop the editing process.
Coordinations will be carried out between the General Editor and/or Associate Editors and the person responsible for the work.
Submission of papers.
The paper files should be sent by e-mail to the General Editor:
Language: the language of publication is English or Spanish.
Abbreviations, symbols and nomenclature: only abbreviations common in the field of health and human sciences should be used and the use of abbreviations in the title should be avoided. The first time an abbreviation appears, it should be preceded by the complete term to which it refers, except in the case of common units of measurement, which should be expressed in International System Units. Chemical, physical, biological and clinical units shall always be strictly defined. Units should have a single space between the number and the unit.
General considerations: all manuscripts should be written in Arial 11 font, single and half spaced, A4 paper size, 2.5 cm margins and all pages should be numbered at the bottom right. The citation should be made with superscripts before the period that ends the paragraph or sentence cited. To cite authors, the superscript should be used after the last name: e.g. Cabrera 8 mentions...; in cases of multiple authors, the term “et al.” should be used: e.g. Cabrera et al. 8 mentions... When the citation is made at the end of a sentence, this superscript should be placed before the period that separates the sentence; e.g. Caries is a multifactorial disease 8.
It is recommended to review international consensus for specific article types such as STROBE guidelines for observational studies; CONSORT for clinical trials; STARD for diagnostic test studies; PRISMA for meta-analyses; CARE for case reports, etc. You can find these guidelines and useful information for submission of your papers on the EQUATOR website (www.espanol.equator-
The paper should have three basic parts: (a) identification, (b) body and (c) bibliographic references.
a) The identification should contain: Title (in Spanish and English), written in upper and lower case, with a length no longer than 150 characters, including spaces. Name and surname of the author(s), of each author, ORCID of each author . Institutional affiliation of the authors, including city and country; highest degree or academic degree obtained by each author, e-mail of each author, and indicate the postal address of the author for correspondence. Additional information should include: information on conflict of interest, source of financing (the source of financing of the work should be indicated, and include the reference code or number) and acknowledgements (should be dedicated only to the persons and institutions that collaborated directly in the realization of the work). This page should be presented in a separate file from the rest of the manuscript.
b) The body of the paper. It will vary according to the section of the Journal.
Table 1 shows the characteristics and maximum length of different components of the article sections. The maximum length for the content of the manuscript does not include abstract or bibliography.
Table 1. Characteristics and maximum length of abstract, content, tables and figures according to journal section.
Section |
Words |
Structure |
Key words |
Contents (sheets) |
Tables and figures |
Structure |
--- |
--- |
--- |
3 |
-- |
Body of the editorial |
250 |
Si |
3-5 |
16 |
10 |
Introduction / Methods / Results / Discussion /Conclusions / References |
200 |
No |
2-5 |
12 |
15 |
Introduction / case reports / Discussion / Conclusions/ References |
250 |
No |
3-5 |
12 |
5 |
Introduction /Review articles/ discussion/ Conclusion / References |
150 |
No |
--- |
8 |
5 |
Introduction / Body of the note / Conclusions / References |
--- |
--- |
--- |
3 |
2 |
Body of the comment / References |
- Editorials. Articles on aspects of journal policy, current issues and research in the health and human sciences at national and international level. May contain up to five bibliographical references.
- Original articles. Research papers that have not been published in other research journals, and that are written in such a way that the author's peers can, based on the indications of the text, reproduce the experiments and obtain similar results, as well as verify the accuracy of the analyses used to reach the conclusions drawn in the document.
The maximum length for these articles is 16 pages and 10 tables and/or figures. The main text of the original articles should be organized into:
Articles in Spanish: Abstract in Spanish and English, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Bibliographic references.
Articles in English: Abstract in English and Spanish, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Bibliographic references.
Abstract: should have a maximum length of 250 words and should be structured in objective, methods, results and conclusions. At the end of the abstract should be included between 3 to 5 key words in Spanish and English considered in the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS) of BIREME ( and in the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) of Index Medicus/Medline (
Introduction: brief presentation of the current state of the problem, background, justification and objective of the study. Only those references strictly necessary should be cited, maximum 15, minimum 12.
Methods: should include the type and design of research, describe the study population, sample selection, methods, apparatus and procedures with sufficient details so that other researchers can reproduce the study. The statistical analysis performed should be indicated.
Results: they should be concise and clear and include the minimum necessary tables and figures. They should be presented in such a way that there is no duplication and repetition of data in the text and in the figures or tables.
Discussion: it may follow the following content: importance of the research carried out, strengths and limitations of the findings, contrast of the evidence with other studies, implications of the results.
Conclusion: conclusions based exclusively on what the results indicate and responding to the proposed objective. The minimum number of bibliographic references is 20.
3. Case reports. They consist of the description of one or more clinical cases of special interest, as well as of new surgical techniques or variants there of, analysis of results obtained with a certain technique or in the treatment of an infrequent or complex pathology. The maximum number of authors will be five. The abstract and its translation will be no longer than 200 words with two to five key words. The abstract should be unstructured and contain: objective, description of the case, clinical course and conclusions. A maximum of 15 tables and/or figures will be allowed. The graphics should facilitate the understanding of the case to be reported. The main text of clinical reports should be organized in: Introduction, Case report (should include diagnosis, treatment, follow-up and results), Discussion, conclusion and Bibliographic references. The minimum number of bibliographic references is 20.
4. Review articles. They present the results of a completed research where the results of published or unpublished research in health science, humanities and/or technology are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in order to report the progress and development trends. They are characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of a specific topic. They should have a maximum of 12 pages, up to five tables and/or figures that facilitate the understanding of the text may be presented. An unstructured abstract of no more than 250 words should be presented, including: introduction, relevant aspects and conclusions. The minimum number of bibliographic references is 30. The main content of the review articles should be organized as follows: Introduction, Review of current literature, Conclusions and Bibliographical references.
5. Scientific notes. These are articles that include: (a) summary of scientific events (congresses, seminars and/or symposia), (b) interviews with experts in a specific subject, (c) discussion or exposition of topics of interest to the scientific community. The body of the Note can be organized as: Introduction, Body of the Note, Conclusions and Bibliographical References. The minimum number of bibliographical references it is from 8 to 10.6. Letters to the Editor. Objections or comments related to papers published in the last two issues of the journal, observations and/or experiences written in brief form will be published. Those letters concerning articles previously published in the journal will have the right to reply by the author, who may reply in a letter of similar length within one month. The pertinence of the publication of the reply will be evaluated by the Editorial Committee. Two tables and/or figures, and up to five bibliographical references may be included. The main text of a letter to the editor consists of: Body of the commentary and Bibliographical references. The minimum number of bibliographical references is 5.
7. Bibliographical references. Only those citations that are considered important and have been read by the authors should be included. The bibliography will be presented according to the order of appearance in the text with the corresponding correlative numbering. The Vancouver format should be used in accordance with the standards of the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted for Publication in Biomedical Journals” developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, available at: Journal names should be abbreviated according to the style used in Index Medicus/Medline (see “List of Journals Indexed”, which is included every year in the January issue of Index Medicus/Medline ( At the end of each reference the DOI code will be mentioned, if available, or the link to the page where it is available.
The following are examples of bibliographic citation formats:
- scientific journal article with up to six authors: Crinzi RA, Rossi PP. Bilateral dentigerous cysts of the mandible. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1982;54(3):367-75.
- Scientific journal article with more than six authors: Troyes L, Fuentes L, Troyes M, Canelo L, García M, Anaya E, et al. Etiology of acute febrile syndrome in the province of Jaén, Peru 2004-2005. Rev Peru Med Exp Public Health. 2006;23(1):5-11.
- Article in online journal: Salisch NC, Vujadinovic M, van der Helm E, Spek D, Vorthoren L, Serroyen J, et al. Antigen capsid-display on human adenovirus 35 via pIX fusion is a potent vaccine platform. PLoS One [Internet]. 2017; 12(3):e0174728. Available at:
- Books and monographs: Villanueva R. Derecho a la salud, perspectiva de género y multiculturalismo. 1st ed. Lima: Palestra Editores; 2009.
- Chapter or part of a book: Bello J, García-Jalón I, Candela I. Collective restoration. In: Martinez J, Astiasaran I, Madrigal H, editors. Alimentación y Salud Pública. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, Interamericana; 2001. p. 102-112.
- Scientific or technical report: World Health Organization. Evaluation of residues of some veterinary drugs in food Report of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. Geneva: WHO; 2006. Technical Report Series: 939.
- Scientific theses and/or dissertations: Guzman VY. Severity of gingivitis associated with adolescent pregnancy [bachelor's thesis]. [Lima]: Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2005. 85 p.
- Proceedings of congresses, conferences, symposiums, scientific meetings, etc: II Jornadas de Historia: Perú-Ecuador, un espacio compartido. Piura; November 25-27, 1999. Piura: University of Piura; 1999.
- Web pages, blogs or online consultations: Ospina P. El diario como estrategia docente. Universidad de Antioquia. [Accessed September 23, 2017]. Accessible at: dd7/128/1/content/
Tables and Figures
a) Tables: they should be indicated in the text correlatively with Arabic numerals (for example, Table 1). They should be without vertical lines, and should include: (a) corresponding title at the top; (b) at the bottom of each table, the abbreviations used should be described. They should be clear and without rectifications. They should complement, not duplicate the text.
b) Figures: they may be photographs, diagrams or graphs. They should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals (for example, Figure 1). In case a figure is composed of more than one image, these will be identified in the text with the number and a capital letter (e.g., Figure 1). capital letter (e.g. Figure 1A, Figure 1B). Thousands should be separated by a space (1000). Unusual units or abbreviations should be defined in the legend.Figures should be in bmp, JPEG or TIFF format, minimum 300 dots per inch (dpi). Word and MS PowerPoint graphics are not recommended for printed images.
Images should be submitted in an editable format.
Permissions: If all or parts of published illustrations are used, copyright permission must be obtained from the copyright holder and the publisher who has published the material. It is the author's responsibility to obtain these in writing and provide copies to the publishers.
If photographs or patient data are reproduced, they must not identify the subject.In all cases, the authors must have obtained the informed consent/assent of the patient authorizing publication.
Tables and/or figures should be placed in order in the document, in the corresponding section.
Presentation of the files
Files must be submitted separately, that is:
- Authors' affidavit
- First page (identification page)
- Manuscript (body of the paper and bibliographical references)
Consent for publication
Once the paper is approved, the corresponding author will receive a proof of the paper in PDF format, which should be carefully reviewed and consulted with the other authors. Once editing errors have been solved, the corresponding author will send a letter or email confirming that the paper has been reviewed by all authors and that they are in agreement, and explicitly mention their consent for the publication of the paper as articles in the journal REVISTA CIENCIAS, SALUD Y SOCIEDAD of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Universidad Católica Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Campus Guaira, Villarrica-Paraguay. This is a requirement for the publication of the work. An email will be sent with the format with the accepted version attached.
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All materials published on this site are available freely, free of charge and at no cost to the authors. This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle of offering the public free access to research.
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